Title 1: Design and implementation of long-range selfie camera system using WSNs (Target: ICEE journal)
Title 2: Early Traffic Light Warning System using VANET (Target: IET electronics letter)
Title 3: IoT based Mobile Emergency Response and Command Interface for Wildlife Monitoring (Target: ICIT)
Title 1:
- Waiting for a result.
Title 2:
- Edit paper content based on Prof's comments.
- Discuss simulation process with Dr.Tran.
- Generate simulation result regarding the total idling time.
Title 3:
- Evaluate system performance.
Title 1:
- Waiting for a result.
Title 2:
- Edit paper content based on Prof's comments.
- Discuss simulation process with Dr.Tran.
- Generate simulation result regarding the total idling time.
Title 3:
- Finalize system performance evaluation section.
Vibration sensor, W-MERCI
Vibration sensor
- Hold a meeting with Royan.
- Discuss with prof Lee.
- Continue learning how to program the Multitech gateway.
- Waiting for a development board.
- Wait to combine with Ali's works.
Vibration sensor
- Hold a meeting with Royan.
- Discuss with prof Lee.
- Continue learning how to program the Multitech gateway.
- Wait to combine with Ali's works.
- Master academic English writing
- 1 Journal Paper