

1월 29, 2018 - 2월 4, 2018


1. IoT기반의 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. MERCI : base structure for brosure (kor)
2. Mingami Sensor : base structure for brosure (kor)

This Week Todo's

1. W-MERCI : format change(KICS), Introduction(write)
2. Mingami Sensor : base structure for brosure (kor)

Project Progress


1% Progress
Last Week's Project

(1) Mingami sensor firmware update (for military surveillance system)
(2) Contect to Greenpeace (the W-MERCI Project)
(3) New subject for Hanwha Project(2)
(4) New homepage (Design menu, Title)
(5) Office

This Week's Project

(1) Mingami sensor firmware update(Multitech and Mingami gateway)
(2) Contect to Greenpeace (the W-MERCI Project)
(3) Make New items for Hanwha Project(2)
(4) Paper work(introduction, figure, result) - brochure
(5) government project material summary

Monthly Goals

find new workload of RTware
make out brochure of W-MERCI

Annual Goals

find new workload of RTware
Make a benefit