1. IoT기반의 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현
1. MERCI : base structure for brosure (kor)
2. Mingami Sensor : base structure for brosure (kor)
1. W-MERCI : format change(KICS), Introduction(write)
2. Mingami Sensor : base structure for brosure (kor)
(1) Mingami sensor firmware update (for military surveillance system)
(2) Contect to Greenpeace (the W-MERCI Project)
(3) New subject for Hanwha Project(2)
(4) New homepage (Design menu, Title)
(5) Office
(1) Mingami sensor firmware update(Multitech and Mingami gateway)
(2) Contect to Greenpeace (the W-MERCI Project)
(3) Make New items for Hanwha Project(2)
(4) Paper work(introduction, figure, result) - brochure
(5) government project material summary
find new workload of RTware
make out brochure of W-MERCI
find new workload of RTware
Make a benefit