

10월 28, 2013 - 11월 3, 2013


1.Message Scheduling Approach on Dedicated Time Slot of ISA100.11a
2.Jamming Attack Detection and Rate Adaptation Scheme for IEEE 802.11 Multi-hop Tactical Networks
3.Bi-directional Spring Damper Impedance Model for Path Control Scheme of Swarm Robot Systems

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1.Improve the paper
2.Preparation for presenting the paper

This Week Todo's

1.Go on improving this paper.
2.Revise the paper according to the review comment

Project Progress


55% Progress
Last Week's Project

Learning how to use the ISA device

This Week's Project

Go on learning how to use the ISA device

Monthly Goals

1.Submit the paper
2.Have a good performance in the project

Annual Goals

1.3 international conference papers, 2 journal papers
2.Finish the project