

2월 12, 2018 - 2월 18, 2018


Title1:-Next Generation Ground Maneuvering Camera for Large aircraft

Title2:-Trajectory Planning and Guidance for Continuous Coverage of Fixed-Wing Monitoring UAV's

55% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title2:-Trajectory Planning and Guidance for Continuous Coverage of Fixed-Wing Monitoring UAV's

-Include load factor effects on fixed wing UAV linked to different turning radius scenarios.
-Simulation work (90 % completion)
-Add one reference
L. Jaulin, La robotique mobile, ser. La robotique mobile. ISTE, Jun.
2015. [Online]. Available:

This Week Todo's

Title2:-Trajectory Planning and Guidance for Continuous Coverage of Fixed-Wing Monitoring UAV's

-Include bank angle variation as the fixed wing UAV tracks the flyable Dubin paths.
-Complete Simulation work
-Submit conference paper version to ICPS after peer to peer review and prof review
-Redesign the system model and include a IEEE 802.15.4 Communication link through which the trajectory closed loop controller sends planned velocities and positions through up link channel and a down link channel through which actual position and velocities of the the fixed wing UAV are fed back for correction .

Project Progress

UAV project

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Waiting for team leader instruction

This Week's Project

-Waiting for team leader instruction

Monthly Goals

-Mastering Matlab and Simulink
-Learning Korean Language(vocabularies)
-Learning Python
-Submit paper(Title2) to ICPS
-Submit paper (Title2 upgraded with a IEEE 802.15.4 Communication link for the trajectory tracker controller ) to WFCS/ETFA conference

Annual Goals

-participate in two international conference (Millicom and WFCS)
-publish one article in one international journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems