

2월 12, 2018 - 2월 18, 2018


1. IoT기반의 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. W-MERCI : block diagram, reference add

This Week Todo's

1. W-MERCI : add LoRa network sinario
- block diagram
- reference add
- LoRa Networks figure add
- LoRa reference add

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

(1) Mingami sensor firmware update(gyeng sun will involved in project), make a plan for APP(so hyang)
(2) Contact to Greenpeace (after the W-MERCI Project finish)
(3) send the final ver. of Android MERCI to Oceanit
(4) Make a brochure for W-MERCI
(5) Plan for strategy of government project

This Week's Project

(1) Mingami sensor firmware update(gyeng-sun will involved in project), make a plan for APP(so-hyang)
(2) Contact to Greenpeace (after the W-MERCI Project finish)
(3) RTware upload the final ver. of Android MERCI, stream Lens to NSL board
(4) Make a brochure for W-MERCI
(5) Plan for strategy of government project

Monthly Goals

find new workload of RTware
make out brochure of W-MERCI

Annual Goals

find new workload of RTware
Make a benefit