Title1:-Next Generation Ground Maneuvering Camera for Large aircraft
Title2:Path Planning and Guidance Ground based Platform for Fixed-Wing UAV.
Title3:Bio-Inspired Routing Protocols for Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs): A survey
-Include bank angle variation as the fixed wing UAV tracks the flyable Dubin paths.
-Complete Simulation work
-Feedback from Professor
-Adapt the Trajectory Planning and Guidance Scheme to a level of cyber physical system as suggested by Prof.
-Planning meeting this week with Sadi to share tasks.
UAV project
Waiting orders from Team leader
Waiting orders from Team leader
-Mastering Matlab and Simulink
-Learning Korean Language(vocabularies)
-Learning Python
-Submit paper(Title2) to conference ETFA/WFCS (Work in Progress)
-participate in two international conference (Millicom and WFCS/ETFA)
-publish one article in one international journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems