

3월 5, 2018 - 3월 11, 2018


[1] Design and Development of MMS-based Industrial IoT Platform using Unidirectional Data Transmission Scheme(단방향 데이터 전달 기법을 적용한 MMS기반의 산업용 IoT 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)
- Domestic journal
[2] Design and Implementation of MMS-based IIoT Platform using Unidirectional Data Transmission Scheme
- Computer standard and interface
[3] ISO 9506 based Communication using Unidirectional Data Transmission scheme for IIoT
- WFCS 2018

52% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[2] Design and Implementation of MMS-based IIoT Platform using Unidirectional Data Transmission Scheme
- Research about security of IoT continuously.

[3] ISO 9506 based Communication using Unidirectional Data Transmission scheme for IIoT
- Change title
- Write abstract and introduction.

This Week Todo's

[1] Design and Implementation of Message Protocol based on MMS for Industrial IoT environment(산업용 IoT를 위한 MMS 기반 메시지 프로토콜 설계 및 구현)
- Update implementation part.

[2] Design and Implementation of MMS-based IIoT Platform using Unidirectional Data Transmission Scheme
- Research about security of IoT continuously.
- Update implementation part.

[3] ISO 9506 based Communication using Unidirectional Data Transmission scheme for IIoT
- Update abstract and introduction.
- Write Related works.

Project Progress

System parameter

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Had meeting with Hanwha 28, Feb.

- Upload DBGen meeting minutes at DBGen Menu which is under Naval Combat System

This Week's Project

- Set schedule to develop.
- Study about DDS and DBGen library.

- Upload Hanwha meeting minutes at System Parameter Analysis Tool Menu which is under Naval Combat System

Monthly Goals

Complete journal version of thesis

Annual Goals

Submit International conference paper and journal.