

3월 12, 2018 - 3월 18, 2018


Title1:Cooperative Precoding for Cognitive Transmission in Two-Tier Networks
Title2:Enhanced Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio Using Asynchronous Primary and Secondary Users

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Writing my paper for my master's studies in Latex format
Learning Latex through paper writing
Reading research paper untitled"Vandemonde subspace Frequency division Multiplexing for Cognitive Radio Network "

This Week Todo's

Finalizing paper related to my Master'studies
Preparing my work which will be presented in Seminar

Project Progress

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

Still not assigned yet

This Week's Project

Not assigned

Monthly Goals

Mastering Latex
Leaning some tools which I will use in my future projects and research
Leaning some basic Korean words for communication

Annual Goals

Publishing at least one paper in either domestic and international journal
Learning Korean Language