

4월 9, 2018 - 4월 15, 2018


Tittle 1:Full Spectrum sharing in Cognitive radio Networks towards 5G (Survey )
Tittle 2:Cognitive Spectrum sharing: An Enabling Wireless Communication Technology for a Wire Use of Smart System(Target: clearly select my research topic.)
Tittle 3:Enhanced VFDM Spectrum sharing Technique for Smart Platform:Submitted

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle 1:Reading literature
Tittle 2:Started reading literature
Tittle 3:Changed the template to the required template and made some modification for resubmitting ( submission deadline was extended)

This Week Todo's

Tittle 1:Keep reading literature by selecting some important keys which help me to choose paper tittle.
Tittle 2:Keep reading literature
Tittle 3:Submit the modified copy to IEEE/IEIE ICCE-Asia 2018

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Installing the OS for the Raspberry Pi
-Designing all the required android UI

This Week's Project

Presenting our project in Sequence diagram(Includes in my tasks)

Monthly Goals

Start my focused research topic
Able use C++ and Python

Annual Goals

Write at least one paper for international conference
Write at least one paper for domestic and international journal
Able to use any simulating tools for my research