

4월 16, 2018 - 4월 22, 2018


Title 1:
Ultrawideband Sensor Network Channel Models for Next Generation Wireless Avionic Systems(IEEE Aerospace)

Title 2:
Real-time Energy-efficient Deployment of Mobile Sensors in Disaster-prone Locations. (IJCNDS)

Title 3:
MERCI: A GUI Platform for Target Coverage using Optimized Self-Deploying Mobile Sensors. (IEEE Sensors Journal).

Title 4:
Avionic R&D Project.

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
[1] Decision email was sent. Please find the detailed review comments on the review comments section of the NSL website.

Dear Prof. Kim,

Your manuscript has been evaluated by the reviewers. The consensus is that the manuscript requires significant revision and must be re-reviewed to determine if the revised manuscript adequately addresses the concerns of the referees.
In resubmitting, please provide a detailed list of all changes made in the manuscript, keyed to the page and line numbers. Please be aware that the resubmitted manuscript must be uploaded within 90 days of this email, and that a manuscript returned later than that will be treated as a new (not revised) submission.
Thank you for your contribution. We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Title 2:
[2] AutoFinalcopy was prepared with the guidance of Prof. Kim and all other necessary requirements as directed was concluded and sent to the Journal body last week.

Title 3:
[1] Content re-organization and grammar/readability checks.
[2] Continuous investigations on the mathematical steps and system algorithm.
- Obstacle avoidance algorithm investigations and implementation.
- System model to suite the target system of research.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
[1] I Will commence substantive revision after speaking with Prof. Kim and my Colleagues.

Title 2:
[2] AutoFinalcopy was prepared with the guidance of Prof. Kim and all other necessary requirements as directed was concluded and sent to the Journal body last week.

Title 3:
[1] Continuous investigations on the mathematical steps and system algorithm.
- Obstacle avoidance algorithm investigations and implementation.
- System model to suite the target system of research.

Project Progress

Avionic R&D Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] We had a discussion with Dr. Hoa regarding the new research works and new member (Ikechi) was included in the team.
[2] Weekly task was distributed by Dr. Hoa and instructions and guidelines was also shared by him.
[3] More Investigations on the contents and current works is on-going.
- Reviewed more recent research works.
- Enhanced the system architecture part of the paper

This Week's Project

[1] More Investigations on the contents and current works is on-going.
- Reviewed more recent research works.
- Enhanced the system architecture part of the paper.
- comparative analysis and figures will be included.

Monthly Goals

[1] Learning and Practicing all essential simulation and Laboratory working tools in detail.

[2] Completion of all my pending tasks as at when due

Annual Goals

[1] Submitting to at-least two/three international conference/Journal paper.
[2] Submitting as much domestic papers as possible.
[3] Having a detailed knowledge and use of all the NSL working tools