

4월 16, 2018 - 4월 22, 2018


Title 1: Development of Smart Demand Responsive Transport System and Integration into Conventional Public Transport

Title 2: An Efficient Distribution Tolerant Geo-routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET)

Title 3: Mobile Emergency Response & Command Interface MERCI

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- finished the paper design, and implementation.
- wrote the algorithm.
- english proofread.

Title 2:
- continued working on the simulation.

Title 3:
- writing abstract and introduction

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- write the abstract and conclusion.
- wrap up the paper.

Title 2:
- continue working on the simulation.

Title 3:
- continue writing abstract and introduction

Project Progress

WMERCI for wild life & Vibration Sensors Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Title 1:
- project on hold until I finalize my research papers.

Title 2:
- finalized the project.
- waiting for the company to provide a way to access their server in order to store data

This Week's Project

Title 1:
- finalize the mobile application and check if the serverside is working properly.

Title 2:
- waiting for the company to provide a way to access their server in order to store data

Monthly Goals

- Read more papers that related to NSL research.
- Learn NS3.
- Study the Korean language.

Annual Goals

- 2 international conference
- 1 international journal