

5월 21, 2018 - 5월 27, 2018


Title1:-Next Generation Ground Maneuvering Surveillance System for Large aircraft

Title2:-4D Trajectory Planning and Guidance Smart Platform in WSN

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title2:-4D Trajectory Planning and Guidance Smart Platform in WSN
-Adding total energy used by ground nodes sensors.
-Start Simulation of previous mathematical model.
Title1:-Next Generation Ground Maneuvering Surveillance System for Large aircrafts
-Investigation of previous works related to design fault-tolerant and reliable avionics systems

This Week Todo's

Title2:-Changing Title as follows:

-4D Trajectory Planning, Guidance and Communication Handover between UAVs in WSN
-Added one related work;"A Dynamic Trajectory Control Algorithm for Improving the Communication Throughput and Delay in UAV-Aided Networks"
-Resume Simulation of previous mathematical model.

Project Progress

Avionics Research Project

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Surveying previous works
-Waiting orders from Team leader

This Week's Project

-Surveying previous works
-Waiting orders from Team leader

Monthly Goals

Mastering Matlab and Simulink
-Learning Korean Language(vocabularies)
-Learning Python
- Learning NS3

Annual Goals

Submit paper(Title2) to conference ETFA/Globalcom (Work in Progress)
-participate in two international conference (Globalcom or ETFA)
-publish one article in one international journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic System