

June 4, 2018 - June 10, 2018


1. 드론을 이용한 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 네트워크 플랫폼 설계
(Design and Implementation of Mobile Platform for Wildlife Monitoring System Using Drone)

2. 야생동물 모니터링을 위한 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현
(Design and Implementation of Mobile Platform for Wildlife Monitoring System)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. 드론을 이용한 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 네트워크 플랫폼 설계(journal)
- Add reference for M2M, WAN
- Update introduction
- wirting chapter 3
- replace the chapter number

2. IoT기반의 야생동물 모니터링을 위한 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현(kics)
- New format for kics
- Submit

3. Study delay tolerant network for MERCI network

This Week Todo's

1. 드론을 이용한 야생동물 모니터링 모바일 네트워크 플랫폼 설계(journal)
- Add reference for M2M, WAN
- Update introduction
- wirting chapter 3
- replace the chapter number

2. IoT기반의 야생동물 모니터링을 위한 모바일 플랫폼 설계 및 구현(kics)
- New format for kics
- Submit
- make a presentation meterial

3. Study delay tolerant network for MERCI network

Project Progress

Drone project

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Drone project will be involve

2. Lifebed project
- change the data to BPM
- data transfer to cloud server (firebase)
- transfer the BPM data to server
- transfer BPM data to android APP

This Week's Project

1. Drone project will be involve
- DTN Networks
- LoRa networks
- Drone sensor
- Drone network security
- Group drone control network

2. Lifebed project
- change the data to BPM
- data transfer to cloud server (firebase)
- transfer the BPM data to server
- transfer BPM data to android APP

Monthly Goals

Study for drone networks

Annual Goals

make a plan for theses
(W-MERCI with Drone)