

6월 10, 2018 - 6월 16, 2018


[1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현
- Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System

[2]Migration Minimization Scheme for Virtualization-based Naval Combat System Cluster

[3]스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac(Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac)

[4]QoS-Driven Routing for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks based on Evolutionary Computing

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1-1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현 - Resubmitted(domestic Journal)
[1-2]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science (International Journal)
[1-3]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, MILCOM (International Conference)

[2-1]가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 Migration 최소화 기법, Resubmitted(domestic Journal)(Previous ver.)
[2-2]함정전투시스템을 위한 가상화 환경 최적화 기법(Virtualiation Envoronment Opimization Scheme for Naval Combat Systems), IEIE(Domestic Journal) : enhance our simulation(with new system model)

[3-1]스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac(Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac), HH's paper, KIMST(Domestic Journal) : Submitted
[3-2]스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac(Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac), KICS Conference----->> EMW, LoRA

[4]QoS-Driven Routing for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks based on Evolutionary Computing : KICS Conference = submitted

This Week Todo's

[1-1]해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현 - Resubmitted(domestic Journal)
[1-2]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science (International Journal)
[1-3]Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, MILCOM (International Conference)

[2-1]가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 Migration 최소화 기법, Resubmitted(domestic Journal)(Previous ver.)
[2-2]함정전투시스템을 위한 가상화 환경 최적화 기법(Virtualiation Envoronment Opimization Scheme for Naval Combat Systems), IEIE(Domestic Journal) : enhance our simulation(with new system model)

[3-1]스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac(Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac), HH's paper, KIMST(Domestic Journal) : preparing enhanced one about image transfering----->> DASAN, LoRa

[3-1]스마트 팜을 위한 무선 복합망의 설계 및 구현: LoRa 및 IEEE 802.11ac(Design and Implementation of Smart Farm Network System: LoRa and IEEE 802.11ac), KICS Conference----->> EMW, LoRA

[4]QoS-Driven Routing for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks based on Evolutionary Computing : KICS Conference

Project Progress

Smart Farm

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

Patent research for video streaming using LoRa
Device test in "성주"(참외 밭, 방울토마토 밭/Korean melon field, sherry tomato field)

This Week's Project

make hybrid mode and pre test

Monthly Goals

Dont forget daily report

Annual Goals

Submit two international journal
Get the score on English test