

6월 18, 2018 - 6월 24, 2018


1) Cost effective maintenance, IoT for railway maintenance, moving data collector, railway condition monitor. accepted in KICS 2018
2) Optimized Dynamic Cluster Member Scheduling (ODCMS) Scheme for Industrial IoT. Target conference; PEWASUN 2018

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) wrote on problem statement, Optimized Dynamic Cluster Member Scheduling (ODCMS) Scheme and network model.
2) changed the title of my paper.
3) designed the diagram of the topology, and algorithm.
4) prepared my KICS Power point presentation.

This Week Todo's

1) finish the the paper on ODCMS and submit to PEWASUN 2018
2) attend KICS 2018 conference.

Project Progress

Avionics and Life bed

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) completed the project on life bed.

This Week's Project

1) make videos to support the report on life bed.

Monthly Goals

submit a paper to PEWASUN 2018 and attend KICS 2018 conference.

Annual Goals

1) submit 1 journal and attend 1 international conference.
2) learn Hangul language