

6월 25, 2018 - 7월 1, 2018


1) Industrial Application of Internet of Thing (IoT) for Cost-effective Railway Maintenance System
2) Optimized Dynamic Cluster Member Scheduling (ODCMS) Scheme for Industrial IoT

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

presented my paper "Industrial Application of Internet of Thing (IoT) for Cost-effective Railway Maintenance System" at KICS 2018 conference.

This Week Todo's

complete my paper on "Optimized Dynamic Cluster Member Scheduling (ODCMS) Scheme for Industrial IoT" for possible submission to ICCE 2019.

Project Progress

Avionics and Life bed

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) completed the Life bed project.

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

1) attend and present at KICS 2018 conference.
2) complete a paper and submit to a conference.

Annual Goals

1) attend at least one conference and publish journal paper.
2) learn Hangul language.