

7월 16, 2018 - 7월 22, 2018


Title 1: A Priority-based Medium Access Protocol for Data Gathering in UAV-WSN
Target: Computer and Electrical Engineering
Title 2: Secure Ground Control Station-Based Routing Protocol for Flying Ad Hoc Network
Target: IETE Technical Review
Title 3: A Deterministic Backoff-based Energy-Saving MAC Protocol for UAV-WSN
Target: Journal of Communication and Networks

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #1:
-Submitted to the computer and electrical engineering special issue on Recent Advancement on Flying Ad-hoc Network.
First-round decision: November 15, 2018.

Title #2:
-Wrote the section II: a review of FANET.

Title #3:
-Added a paragraph in system model.

This Week Todo's

Title #1:
-Wait for the result.

Title #2:
- Continue to write the Section II.
- Add an existing work and review it.

Title #3:
- Will submit this paper at the end of this week.

Project Progress

Smart Farm

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Had a daily meeting.
- Created the figure of LoRa measurement results.

Website (Fieldbus - Automotive vehicle and Drone)
Added one article from IEEE Magazine

This Week's Project

-Still waiting for the plan from the team.

Website (Fieldbus - Automotive vehicle and Drone)
Add one article from IEEE magazine

Monthly Goals

_ Read more papers that related to NSL research.
_ Learn about Real-Time Systems.
_ Learn NS3 Application.

Annual Goals

_ 1 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.