

7월 23, 2018 - 7월 29, 2018


Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

1) Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.
2) Optimized Dynamic Cluster Scheduling (ODCS) for Industrial IoT.

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) Made the conference version of paper #2.
2) derived the relations for single relay communication.
3) Simulation for the scheme proposed in #2

This Week Todo's

1) Submit paper #2 conference version to MobiCom.
2) Web responsibility uploaded.

Project Progress


30% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Complete paper #2 and submit

Annual Goals

1) Attend at least one international conference and publish at least one international Journal paper.
2) Learn Hangul language.