

8월 13, 2018 - 8월 19, 2018


1) Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.
2) Optimized Dynamic Cluster Scheduling (ODCS) for Industrial IoT.

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) derived the relations for multiple relay selection in paper #2.
2) Inserted diagrams to explain the multiple relay selection proposed.
3) studied about visible light communication and quantum networks.

This Week Todo's

1) read more papers to support my understanding of various network technology.
2) hopefully respond to review comments from MobiCom.

Project Progress

Life bed

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

1) complete paper #2
2) respond to MobiCom review comment.

Annual Goals

1) Attend at least one international conference and publish at least one international journal.
2) learn Hangul language.