Rizki Rivai Ginanjar
Title 1: High-Capacity and Transparent Digital Audio Watermarking using Rounding Reduced-Arc MPSK
Title 2: Extreme Learning Machine-Based Real-Time Node Localization: UAV Approach
Title 1:
-Accepted in ICCE 2018, Las Vegas, USA
Title 2:
-Revising the paper to be submitted to WCNC 2019
Title 1:
-Applying for a visa application to USA embassy
Title 2:
-Revising the paper to be submitted to WCNC 2019
-not assigned yet
-Update the Military IoT section
-Update the Military IoT section
-Able to use Contiki Cooja to simulate the proposed system
-Able to use TensorFlow for the simulation process of the proposed system
-Able to write at least one international SCI Journal
-Able to write at least one international conference
-Able to write at least one domestic conference