

9월 10, 2018 - 9월 16, 2018


Title 1. 해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현
- Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1-1 해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현
Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science (International Journal)

-study and modify an introduction part for the international conference.

This Week Todo's

Title 1 해군전투체계의 적응형 모의사격시뮬레이터 설계 및 구현
Design and Implementation of Adaptive Fire Simulator on Naval Combat System, Defence science (International Journal)

- study and modify body for the international conference.

Project Progress


1% Progress
Last Week's Project

DB Gen
- Read and understand the user manual
- Try to run the basic example

This Week's Project

DB Gen
- Read and understand the user manual
- Try to run the basic example
- we will meeting with Hanwha.

Will start a New Smart Farm project.(Agricultural and marine products Technology development.)
- Will submit my proposal

Monthly Goals

I want to improve English and computer skills. I will try to do project successfully and challenge myself and finish the smart farm project.

Annual Goals

I want to participate in the international and domestic conferences.