

12월 2, 2013 - 12월 8, 2013


title 1: Robust Distributed Power Control for Cognitive radio based Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
title 2: Distributed Power Control for Peer-to-Peer Underlay MIMO Industrial Cognitive Radio Network

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 1: Sent the paper to correvtion service
title 2: Wrote abstract

This Week Todo's

title 2: Find out ideas by reading reference papers and try to write the draft of Introduction

Project Progress


40% Progress
Last Week's Project

- used PLC to program devicenet master's hardware

This Week's Project

- continue programming using PLC and connect ISA to CAN

Monthly Goals

- write work in progress paper (title 2)
- successfully connect ISA to CAN/Modbus

Annual Goals

- complete ISA project and work in progress paper