

9월 17, 2018 - 9월 23, 2018


Tittle 1:
Throughput Enhancement with Short Sensing Time and interference suppression in Cognitive Radio Networks using 5G(Target:IEEE Transaction on cognitive communication and Networking)
Tittle 2:
Enhanced VFDM Spectrum-Sharing Technique for Smart Platform((Target:IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC))
Tittle 3:
Reliable Low Latency Wireless Communication Enabling Industrial Mobile Control and and Safety(Target: journal (N/A))

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle 1:
Simulation was done but needs to be finalised
Tittle 2:
Resume extending numerical results and simulation
Tittle 3:
collecting surveying materials

This Week Todo's

Tittle 1:
-Abstract and conclusion
Tittle 2:
Resume extending numerical results and simulation
Tittle 3:
surveying enough materials

Project Progress

Life Bed

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Discussion with Prof. Lee with teammates regarding new life bed

This Week's Project

studying how integrate the existing prototype with our desire application

Monthly Goals

Submit one paper(one I was supposed to submit it in last month) in international SCI journal

Annual Goals

-Write at least two papers for international conference
-Write at least two papers for international journal
-Able to use any simulating tools for my research