

9월 17, 2018 - 9월 23, 2018


-Powering Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network
(WBAN) Through Thermal Energy Harvesting
-Industrial internet of things

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Reviewed my undergraduate paper on Powering Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network
(WBAN) Through Thermal Energy Harvesting
-discussed with Professor Kim on my industrial internet of things as my research topic in NSL.
-Began research on journals pertaining to industrial internet of things.
-Set up my workstation at the lab for full operation.

This Week Todo's

-with supervision from Mr. Williams, I will Revise my paper on Powering Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network(WBAN) Through Thermal Energy Harvesting in preparation for a conference.
-Research on a domain specific interest in industrial internet of things.

Project Progress

Industrial internet of things

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

-surveyed pertinent topics on pertaining to this field of interest.

This Week's Project

-focus on revamping my paper on Powering Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network
(WBAN) Through Thermal Energy Harvesting for conference presentation.

Monthly Goals

-augment skills on paper research and presentation
-become proficient in simulation softwares.

Annual Goals

-publish conference and journal papers