

10월 1, 2018 - 10월 7, 2018


BLE Beacon System for Indoor Navigation

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Find the idea related to navigation, positioning, and localization.
also was read some papers:

1.Location of Things (LoT): A Review and Taxonomy
of Sensors Localization in IoT Infrastructure
2.A Map-Assisted WiFi AP Placement Algorithm Enabling Mobile Device’s Indoor Positioning
3.An IoT approach to vehicle accident detection, reporting, and navigation

-Made an abstract for the paper.

This Week Todo's

-Continue reading paper Location of Things (LoT): A Review and Taxonomy
of Sensors Localization in IoT Infrastructure.

-Read paper related to BLE Beacon and learn that.

-Will create all of the contents of my paper.

Project Progress

Drone with automatic VTOL and Landing Pad

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

Survey related work

This Week's Project

Team meeting
-Make an proposal to this project

Monthly Goals

-Able to write one paper for domestic conference.

-find another research topic

Annual Goals

Able to write at least one and take a part in international conference