

10월 1, 2018 - 10월 7, 2018


Comparative Study of Cepstral Analysis and MFCC For Speech Steganalysis

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Consulting with Gaspard as mentor.
- Revising simulation and result.
- Making result graph.
- Learn how to make pseudocode.

This Week Todo's

- Make the pseudocode for easy understanding if possible.
- Finishing the paper if possible.

Project Progress

SmartFarm for Animal

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Learn and try to understand what is DDS.
- Learn and try to understand what is MMS.

This Week's Project

- Finding solution for the IoT platform, like can detect heartbeat, body heat and localization.
- Learn about data gathering platform like in W-Merci project.
- Try to combined all of the requirements for the project to make a new SmartFarm for Animal.

Monthly Goals

- The paper for the domestic conference is finished within next month.
- Find correlation between my previous work with my new topic research.
- Learn how AVB/TSN can works in Industrial IoT platform.
- Learn about Fog Computing.
- Try to objectify the SmartFarm for Animal project.

Annual Goals

- Able to take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.