

10월 1, 2018 - 10월 7, 2018


Navigation Control of Automated Guided Vehicle Based on Internet of Things in Smart Factory

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-made an abstract and introduction for paper research.
-read the paper that related to this research:
*Cloud robotics architecture, challenges and application.
*Cloud-Enabled Wireless Body Area Networks for Pervasive Healthcare.
-writing in LATEX.
-Consultation with mentor.

This Week Todo's

-Review an abstract and introduction.
-Make an section II. AGV system and fuzzy logic, section III. Internet of Things and IV. Result
-Writing in LATEX.
-Consultation with mentor.

Project Progress

Drone with automatic VTOL and Landing Pad

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Survey related work

This Week's Project

-Team meeting
-Make an proposal to this project

Monthly Goals

-Understand about TSN.
-Able to write one paper for domestic conference.

Annual Goals

-Find the topic research.
-Able to write at least one and take a part in domestic conference.