

10월 1, 2018 - 10월 7, 2018


enhancing the QoS of an energy harvesting wban through an optimal priority mac protocol and cooperative communication.

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-reviewed protocols that would be suitable to enhance the QoS in energy harvesting wban system
-integrating these protocols with my previous paper.
-downsizing the prospective paper into 3 pages

This Week Todo's

-completely revamp my paper for the The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea 2018 Annual Conference & Autumn Conference.

Project Progress


5% Progress
Last Week's Project

-reviewed journals on smart farm

This Week's Project

-work with team members on smart farm project
-discuss strategies with team members on how to

Monthly Goals

summit a paper to The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea 2018 Annual Conference & Autumn Conference by the end of this week.

Annual Goals

-publish journal papers on IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol and its related applications
-write 5 conference papers