Title 1: Adaptive Interface Diversity Algorithm for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network-Submitted
Target: JSAC
Title 2: Transparent Data-Hiding Scheme for High-Quality Audio File-Accepted
Target: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
Title 3: Energy Saving MAC Protocol for UAV assisted data gathering in wireless sensor networks-Accepted
Target: Conference CoNEXT18
Title 4: Synergic Evaluation for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network-Rejected from MobiCom
Target: Journal
Title 5: Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Industrial Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks: Honey Bees
Mating Optimization Algorithm Perspective
Target: Transaction in Industrial Informatics.
Title 6: Dragonfly for URLLC in Industrial applications-Completed
Target: Transaction in Industrial Informatics
Title 7: Leveraging Biological Dragonfly Scheme for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network-Completed
Target: Conference- International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD)-2018- Submitted
Title 8: Effective Spectrum Handoff for Cognitive UWB Industrial Networks
Target: Journal/Conference
Website: Avionics
Title 3: Synergic Evaluation for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network- Result and Conclusion
Target: Journal-Wireless Communication Letter
Title 5: Dragonfly for URLLC Dragonfly for URLLC in Industrial applications-Search Space added
Target: Transaction in Industrial Informatics
Title 6: Leveraging Biological Dragonfly Scheme for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network-Completed
Target: Conference- International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD)-2018-Completed
Title 7: Effective Spectrum Handoff for Cognitive UWB Industrial Networks-PDF to LaTex conversion
Target: Journal/Conference
Title 3: Synergic Evaluation for URLLC in Industrial Wireless Network- Final compilation
Target: Journal-Wireless Communication Letter
Title 5: Dragonfly for URLLC Dragonfly for URLLC in Industrial applications- Apply for Correction service
Target: Transaction in Industrial Informatics
Life Bed
Presentation about the proposal of the project
Order of the components
1.Learning network simulator 3 and other relevant tools for simulation
2. Simulation tools used in the fielded of Avionics is to learned
1. Submitting at least two journal papers.
2. Acquiring knowledge of NSL lab working tools