

10월 14, 2018 - 10월 20, 2018


Tittle 1:
Throughput Enhancement with Short Sensing Time and interference suppression in Cognitive Radio Networks using 5G(Target journal:IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking)
Tittle 2: URLLC Achievement for Exploitation of Unlicensed Spectrum in Wireless System(Target conference: ICCIS2 018))
Tittle 3: Enhanced VFDM Spectrum-Sharing Technique for Smart Platform( an extended version of the ICCE-ASIA paper to be submitted to IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC))

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle 1:
Fixed errors mentioned by correction service
Tittle 2:
collecting enough literature
Tittle 3:
Extending numerical results and simulation

This Week Todo's

Tittle 1:
submit to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Tittle 2:
start writing introduction and related work
Tittle 3:
Extending numerical results and simulation

Project Progress

Life Bed

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Survey on ECG Sensor

This Week's Project

Discussing with team members for new assigned task

Monthly Goals

Submit one paper in SCI journal
Write a paper for international conference

Annual Goals

-Write at least two papers for international conference
-Write at least two papers for international journal
-Able to use any simulating tools for my research