

10월 16, 2018 - 10월 22, 2018


- Enhanced-QoS in energy-harvesting Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) using the selective approach.

- Industry 4.0

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Revised paper work
- Made necessary adjustements
- Converted paper to Hancom format
- Researched on industry 4.0

This Week Todo's

-Submit paper to the International workshop on industrial IT Convergence Conference - WIITC 2018

-Summit a paper to The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea 2018 Annual Conference & Autumn
Conference by the end of this week.

Project Progress

SMART FARM, MMS and XCP Protocol

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Discussed with team members on smartfarm project
- Drafted a proposal of smartfarm project
- Discussed with Dr. kim on MMS and XCP Protocol
- Set up a weekly meeting calender

This Week's Project

- Present smartfarm proposal to Professor Lee
- Revise proposal and commence work on it
- Reviewed MMS and XCP Protocol and its relevant applications
- Assigned to research on XCP Protocol

Monthly Goals

-Submit paper to the International workshop on industrial IT Convergence Conference - WIITC 2018
-Summit a paper to The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea 2018 Annual Conference & Autumn
Conference by the end of this week.

Annual Goals

- Publish 4 international conference papers
- Publish 1 journal paper