

10월 16, 2018 - 10월 22, 2018


1) Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.
2) Multi-hop Single-Relay Selection (MSRS) for Multi Cluster Head Environment.
3) Visible Light Communication (VLC) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Hybrid Network for Indoor Device Connectivity, target conference: CCNC Las Vegas, Jan 2019.

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) worked on the review comments of #3 from ICCE.
2) worked paper #2 for submission to WIITC 2018.

This Week Todo's

1) submit paper #2 to CCNC 2019.

Project Progress

Life bed

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) read papers on Galvanic skin response (GSR). and how to implement it on the life bed project.

This Week's Project

1) group meeting and allocation of responsibilities.
2) carrying out our assigned responsibility.

Monthly Goals

submit paper to CCNC 2019 and gaining acceptance.

Annual Goals

1) Attend at least one international conference and publish at least journal.
2) Learn hangul Language.