

10월 23, 2018 - 10월 29, 2018


Power Stabilization for Smart Grid Transmission System Using STATCOM

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-complete my paper
-made a meeting with asat

This Week Todo's

-Searching new topic
-have a meeting asat and savior
-submit my paper IEIE conference

Project Progress

IBIS,MMS for Industrial IoT and Smart Farm for Animal (Cpastone Design Class)

27% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Learning IBIS manual
- Installation tutorial: customer setup, field installation preparation
- Tried to connect network
- Had a discussion with Thanh and asat
- Reported about the Intel i Gateway since it could not establish a network connection

- MMS codes from Dr.Kim to communicate PC to PC.
- MMS handbook from Dr.Kim.

Smart Farm for Animal
- Fixed all the sensors and devices.

This Week's Project

- Hardware overview
- INTELINET WORK on website
- Have a meeting with Thanh and asat
- Make a summarization for MMS protocol and give to Dr.Kim next week.
- Make a lite version of the existing code.
- Learn more about MMS communication from the handbook,
Smart Farm
- Buy all the sensors and try to implement one by one.
- Try to make a website server using MongoDB as the database using dummy data.

Monthly Goals

- Enhance research writing skills
- Improve programming skills

Annual Goals

- Participate in international and domestic conferences as much as possible
- One international journal