

12월 9, 2013 - 12월 15, 2013


- Dynamic Bloom Filters for DDS Node Discovery Protocol in Naval Warships
- Flow Control for Automatic transmission rate in DDS

55% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Learn Node discovey mechanism of Samsung Thales DDS
- Learn Flow Control of Samsung Thales DDS

This Week Todo's

- Continue to delve deeper to learn Node discovey mechanism of Samsung Thales DDS
- Continue to delve deeper to learn Flow Control of Samsung Thales DDS

Project Progress

MOMAT Server

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

Repair the bug from the text version of MOMAT server

This Week's Project

Continue to repair the bug from the text version of MOMAT server

Monthly Goals

- Able to operate one of the Data Distribution Service Software
- Able to operate NS-3 for research simulation tool

Annual Goals

Write a paper related to Data Distribution Service for ETFA 2014 conference submission