

11월 6, 2018 - 11월 12, 2018


Gyeong-seon Kim
1. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][IEIE]

2. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][Domestic Journal]

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][IEIE]

- Create performance analysis results
- Name modification and formatting of pictures
- Conclusion and future research
- submit (Dead line = 2. Nov.Friday)

2. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][Domestic Journal]

- Write domestic journal version and international conference version
- Edit title
- Adding References about Bezier Curve

This Week Todo's

1. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][IEIE]

- Accepted on Monday

2. Design of Real-Time Image Encoding Scheme for Naval Using Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme
[Bezier Curve 영상재구성 기법을 이용한 함정용 실시간 영상 부호기 설계][Domestic Journal]

- Adding References about Bezier Curve
- Add Bezier Curve to related studies
- Add Bezier Curve to performance analysis

Project Progress

1. DSS(Data Sharing Service) 2. Life bed(Capstone Design Class)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. DSS(Data Sharing Service)
- TCP/IP socket Analyzing API
- Creating DSS project class diagram
- Made communication code using open source
- Multi-communication implementation using thread

2. Life bed(Capstone Design Class)
- Order two device(GSR Sensor, Heart Rate Monitor Sensor)

This Week's Project

1. DSS(Data Sharing Service)
- Implement multi-process communication
- Familiarize APIs used for multiple processes

2. Life bed(Capstone Design Class)
- Arduino connect with Sensor

3. Patent
- understand royyan's paper
- Existing Technology Investigation
- Familiarizing with reference

4. Homepage Update
- Upload photos and lecture materials of ICT seminar

Monthly Goals

- complete a Domestic Journal

Annual Goals

- Make own paper