

11월 6, 2018 - 11월 12, 2018


Tittle 1:
Optimal Sensing and Interference Suppression in 5G Cognitive Radio Networks.
Submitted to physical Communication(rejected)
Tittle 2: URLLC Achievement for Exploitation of Unlicensed Spectrum in Wireless System(Target conference: ICCIS 2018) (Submitted)
Tittle 3: Enhanced VFDM Spectrum-Sharing Technique for Smart Platform( an extended version of the ICCE-ASIA paper to be submitted to IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC))

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle: organize properly
Tittle 2:
Tittle 3:
Writing mathematical model for extension of numerical results

This Week Todo's

Tittle:submit to computer communications journal
Tittle 2:
Tittle 3:
Writing mathematical model for extension of numerical results

Project Progress

Life Bed

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Discussed with team members to know my assigned task

This Week's Project

Survey on Detecting Stress,collecting and analyzing physiological data under ECG

Monthly Goals

Submit one paper in domestic journal.

Annual Goals

-Write at least two papers for international conference
-Write at least two papers for international journal
-Able to use any NSL simulating tools for my research