

11월 12, 2018 - 11월 18, 2018


Industrial Iot protocols
XCP protocol

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Presented journal paper for NSL seminar
- Began research on industrial Iot in order to sort out future research works and paper for seminar
- Installed relevant software for programming and started learning some few tips about coding.
- Learning NS3 for simulations and python for raspberry pi projects.
- Researched on Xeline Control Protocol
- Researched on Powerline communication protocols for home automation.


- Battling with learning programming basics
- Narrowing down my research into a specific interest in industrial IoT

This Week Todo's

- Researching on Industrial IoT protocols
- Research on protocols and energy harvesting techniques for Industrial IoT
- Commence the learning of NS3 for simulations and Python for raspberry pi projects

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project


-Worked with team mates and presented a proposal for our work.
-Learned about previous works on smart farm from previous project members
-Planning on picking up smart farm project from where it was left off by introducing more features such
as energy harvesting and diversifying its applications in other areas such as cattle monitoring.
- Delegated duties to team members and scheduled a meeting for sharing of findings.


- Learning previous smart farm's codes and algorithms
- Facing difficulties in choosing the right devices to implement energy harvesting for smart farm
- Trying to learn Star UML to draw conceptualised design
- Integrating our ideas into the project
- Finding feasible and cost efficient means to realise project
- Limited time frame.


- Researched on various powerline protocols for home automation.
- Researched on alternative Microcontroller unit for Xeline's XPLC30 unit
- Had a meeting with Dr. kim concerning our project work in which he explained the basics of this
protocol and its intended use of our project (enhance this protocol and commercialize it).

- Insufficient information on xeline's hardware devices and design used in developing protocol
- Facing difficulties in optaining models of xeline's xmdl-3000 board
- Limited information on XPLC30 used by xeline in implementing their protocol
- xeline company shut down, so impedance to information and communication is high.

This Week's Project


- Share ideas which had research on with team
- Discuss design of energy harvesting with team members
- Integrate energy design with the rest of the smart farm system design
- Researching more new ideas for project and sharing with team members
- Scheduling appointments with team

- Read on existing powerline communication protocols for home automation.
- Present information and discuss with team
- Set project target for next week.

Monthly Goals

- Learn NS 3
- Learn how to run projects with raspberry pi 3
- Begin research on protocols and energy harvesting approaches in Industrial IoT

Annual Goals

- Learn NS 3 excellently
- Learn how to run projects with raspberry pi 3
- Commence 1 or 2 conference papers