

11월 13, 2018 - 11월 19, 2018


Leveraging fingerprinting indoor positioning system for industrial IoT

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Install ns3 (network simulator)
- Acknowledgement revision
- Submit paper to KICS

This Week Todo's

- Prepare presentation for KICS conference
- Attend to KICS conference (Nov 19th)

Project Progress

Drone with automatically VTOL and Landing Pad (Capstone design Class)

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- install ROS kinetic
- make Sequence Diagram

This Week's Project

- learn a system of parrot drone (hardware and software)

Monthly Goals

Able to make the simulation of machine learning

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in the domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal.