

December 3, 2018 - December 9, 2018


priority routing algorithm for Industrial Iot
priority MAC protocol for IIot
XCP protocol
Body sensor Networks Applications

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Began research on industrial Iot protocols, wireless sensor network routing protocols
- Learning NS3 for simulations and python for raspberry pi projects.
- Analysing XCP source code
- Prepared report for the IEIE conference in songdo


- learning ns-3, and python programming basics

This Week Todo's

- Research on Industrial IoT routing protocols
- Research on energy efficient clustering algorithms for industrial IoT
- Research on protocols and energy harvesting techniques for Industrial IoT
- update paper research
- Learn python for raspbery pi projects
- learn R programming language
- learn NS 3

Project Progress


20% Progress
Last Week's Project


-Worked with team mates and presented a proposal for our work.
-Presented energy harvesting design for smart farm


- Learning previous smart farm's codes and algorithms
- Facing difficulties in choosing the right devices to implement energy harvesting for smart farm
- Integrating our ideas into the project
- Finding feasible and cost efficient means to realise project
- Limited time frame.
- Having issues with attaching wearables on cows

- Researched on various powerline protocols for home automation.
- Researched on alternative Microcontroller unit for Xeline's XPLC30 unit
- Began analysis of XCP source code
- Had a meeting with Dr. kim concerning our project work in which he explained the basics of this
protocol and its intended use of our project (enhance this protocol and commercialize it).

- difficulties in understanding source code
- Insufficient information on xeline's hardware devices and design used in developing protocol
- Facing difficulties in optaining models of xeline's xmdl-3000 board
- xeline company shut down, so impedance to information and communication is high.

This Week's Project


- Discuss design of energy harvesting with team members
- Waiting for components to arrive and then test the feasibility of our design
- Integrate energy design with the rest of the smart farm system design
- Researching more new ideas for project and sharing with team members
- Scheduling appointments with team to visit a real cattle ranch and test feasibility of our design and
from feedback, we will remodel the our design.

- Analysing in depth the source code of xcp
- Present information and discuss with team
- Set project target for next week.

Monthly Goals

- Learn NS 3
- Learn how to run projects with raspberry pi 3
- Begin 2 international conference papers

Annual Goals

- Learn NS 3 excellently
- Learn how to run projects with raspberry pi 3
- publish 3 international conference papers