Rizki Rivai Ginanjar
Title 1: Rounding Modulation for Transparent Data Hiding Scheme in Audio Signal
Title 2: Low Complexity ELM-Based Real-Time Node Localization: UAV Approach
Title 1
-Editing the rejected version from IEEE Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing to be submitted to IEIE Smart Processing and Computing
-Writing the code for the simulation for the IEEE Transactions on consumer electronics journal
Title 2
-Waiting for the decision from WCNC 2019, Maroko
-Surveying other papers related to the neural network based node localization system
Title 1
-Convert the template to IEIE SPC template
Title 2
-Waiting for the decision from WCNC 2019, Maroko
-Surveying other papers related to the neural network based node localization system
-Refine the result of the acquired data
-checking and debugging the code regarding the data collection
-Able to use Contiki Cooja to simulate the proposed system
-Able to use TensorFlow for the simulation process of the proposed system
-Able to write at least one international SCI Journal
-Able to write at least one international conference
-Able to write at least one domestic conference