

12월 10, 2018 - 12월 16, 2018


Title 1
Comparative Study of Cepstral Analysis and MFCC For Speech Steganalysis
KICS Fall 2018

Title 2
Decentralized Industrial IoT Based on Blockchain Architecture
INDIN 2019

Title 3
Blockchain Architecture based Ethereum Internet of Things (IoT) on a Raspberry Pi 3
KICS Winter 2018

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Done.

Title 2
- Continue making the codes.
- Continue the paper.

Title 3 (more focus)
- Installed Ethereum in raspberry pi.
- Continue the paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Done.

Title 2
- Continue making the codes.
- Continue the paper.

Title 3 (more focus)
- Start making the miners and the nodes for the transaction.
- Continue the paper.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT and Smart Farm for Animal (Capstone Design Class)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Convert VS project (vcxproj) to makefile for raspberry pi.

- Fixed the advance smart farm for animal system.

This Week's Project

- Still converting VS project (vcxproj) to makefile for raspberry pi with another program.
- Try to use Arduino too.

- Succeed reset and configure LoRa node, but when to connect to the gateway the adaptor to the gateway is gone.
- Found all the libraries for the sensor that we will use in the system.
- Field visit to the farm to know the environment and what sensors do we need to increase the farm's condition.

Monthly Goals

- Make Blockchain architecture in Industrial IoT platform.
- Learn how to use public Blockchain Monero.
- Learn how to use public Blockchain Ethereum.

Annual Goals

- Able to take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.