Sung Hwa Park
[1]동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 체계 상태 관리 소프트웨어 설계 및 성능평가
[Design and Performance Evaluation of System State Management Software Using PUSH/PULL Technique]
[1]동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 체계 상태 관리 소프트웨어 설계 및 성능평가
[Design and Performance Evaluation of System State Management Software Using PUSH/PULL Technique]
- rename a paepr and rewrite for journal version
- add references related to naval combat system
- modify the contents of a graph(figure 5)
[1]동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 체계 상태 관리 소프트웨어 설계 및 성능평가
[Design and Performance Evaluation of System State Management Software Using PUSH/PULL Technique]
- a grammar test for journal version
- correct the introduction and abstract
- Download the new DBGen manual to study and understand
- learn about DSS library
[2]Coding Study
- have a coding stduy
- look for communication techniques to use in chat and scheduling programs
[3]Capstone Design(smart livestock project)
- Re-designing smart farm projects for high level design
- Find out why Lora gateway is not working
- Study the content assigned by an individual in realtaion to a DDS book
[2]Coding Study
- Functional organization in relation to communication technology
- participate in study
[3]Capstone Design(smart livestock project)
- Organize new designs to prepare for the presentation
- Finding new topics and writing a paper