

12월 18, 2018 - 12월 24, 2018



[1]당뇨병 환자를 위한 지능형 모바일 어플리케이션 설계 및 개발
[Design and development of intelligent mobile applications for diabetic patients]

[2]helping HanHwa guy(김영진) with his graduation thesis

[3]Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem
[ICT 기반의 조선해양 창조산업생태계 구축]

[4]new paper [proceed the Rusyadi's paper combined with OLSR Protocol]

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]Design and development of intelligent mobile applications for diabetic patients

[2]helping HanHwa guy(김영진) with his graduation thesis

[3]Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem

[4]new paper [proceed the Rusyadi's paper combined with OLSR Protocol]
- read the Rusyadi's paper
- study about OLSR protocol
- find the survey paper about OLSR protocol and UAV

This Week Todo's

[1]Design and development of intelligent mobile applications for diabetic patients

[2]helping HanHwa guy(김영진) with his graduation thesis

[3]Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem
- Try to update title
- Read a related paper

[4]new paper [proceed the Rusyadi's paper combined with OLSR Protocol]
- find the survey paper about OLSR protocol and UAV
- study about modified OLSR protocol for FANET
- study how enhance the ability of OLSR protocol for FANET

Project Progress

[1]LifeBed [2]Patent [3]Coding study

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] LifeBed

[2] Patent

[3]Coding study
- make the main GUI of the program

This Week's Project

[1] LifeBed
- calculate the heart-rate using new device accessories until detecting correct signals

[2] Patent
- modify the document in accordance with the new form
- this project is really completed

[3]Coding study
- Investigate the view properties of the MDI(Multiple Document Interface)
- design the program in relation to the view properties.

***Website Update : Industrial IoT

Monthly Goals

[1] LifeBed
-implement hardware by 50%

[2] new paper
- investigate about OLSR protocol and try to combine it to UAV
- study haw can use the paper edit program

Annual Goals

[1] find the new paper topic