

12월 27, 2018 - 1월 2, 2019


Title 1: Hybrid MAC Protocol for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
Target: MDPI Sensors Journal

Title 2: Multi-tier Fog Computing: Towards Ultra-Low Latency in Industrial Internet of Things.
Target: WFCS 2019.

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
The paper has been submitted to the journal.

Title 2:
Collected published paper for the references.
Investigated the pros and cons of a multi-tier fog computing architecture.
Discussed with Piko and Riesa

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
The paper is still under review.

Title 2:
Collect more published paper to broaden the knowledge of fog computing.
Find the problem in IIoT that can be solved with fog computing.
Write the first draft.

Project Progress

Smart Farm

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

The project has been done.

This Week's Project

The project has been done.

Monthly Goals

_ Read more papers that related to NSL research.
_ Learn the basic things of fog computing.
_ Learn software and tools that related to the fog computing research.

Annual Goals

_ 1 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.