

1월 7, 2019 - 1월 13, 2019


Title 1
Comparative Study of Cepstral Analysis and MFCC For Speech Steganalysis
KICS Fall 2018

Title 2
Decentralized Industrial IoT Based on Blockchain Architecture

Title 3
Towards Architecture Based on Private Ethereum Blockchain for Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
KICS Winter 2018

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Done.

Title 2
- Continue the paper after KICS winter conference.

Title 3 (more focus)
- Add figures.
- Finishing the paper.
- Submit the paper

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Done.

Title 2
- Continue the paper after KICS winter conference.

Title 3 (more focus)
- Paper submitted.
- Wait for the review.
- Start make the presentation.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT and Smart Farm for Animal (Capstone Design Class)

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Install another version of windows on ARM (WoA) in the raspberry pi for the code environment. The first version cannot use internet.

- Continue in the next semester with the advance system.

This Week's Project

- WoA doesnt support WiFi driver yet, try to use wifi dongle to connect the internet.
- Try use Windows core IoT in the raspberry pi and remote the raspbrry pi with iot dashboard to visual studio.
- Try use visualgdb with raspbian OS.

- Continue in the next semester with the advance system.

Monthly Goals

- Make Blockchain architecture in Industrial IoT platform.
- Learn how to use public Blockchain Monero.
- Learn how to use public Blockchain Ethereum.
- How to combine general blockchain architecture with the letest version of blockchain, called Plasma.

Annual Goals

- Able to take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.