

1월 7, 2019 - 1월 13, 2019


[1] Design and Development of MMS-based Industrial IoT Platform using Unidirectional Data Transmission Scheme(단방향 데이터 전달 기법을 적용한 MMS기반의 산업용 IoT 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)
- Domestic Journal
[2] On the design of MAC protocol for avionic systems: a review
- not fixed.
[3] Data Aggregation Scheme for Real-time Industrial WSNs(실시간 산업용 무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 데이터 수집 기법)
- Domestic conference: KICS winter conference.

33% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[2] On the design of MAC protocol for avionic systems: a review
- Research the NLoS based technology.
- Update the conclusion.
- Finish to the figures and tables.
: Network model.

This Week Todo's

[2] On the design of MAC protocol for avionic systems: a review
- Finish the related works.
- Update the challenge for WAIC parts

[3] Data Aggregation Scheme for Real-time Industrial WSNs
- Design the system model and proposed scheme in detail.
: Packet length, data rate, etc.
- Set the parameter for performance evaluation.

Project Progress


21% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Summary the researches for related works of application layer protocol in industrial IoT platform.

- I told Rusyadi to upload the defense ppt material and answer sheet.

This Week's Project

- Check the progress of the members.

- Correct the typo of contents.

Monthly Goals

Have study group about ns-3.
Complete the domestic journal paper.

Annual Goals

1 International conference and journal.