

1월 14, 2019 - 1월 20, 2019


Tittle 1:
Optimal Sensing and Self-Interference Suppression in 5G Cognitive Radio Networks:Submitted to computer communications
Tittle 2:Spectrum Sharing Technique Based on Network Infrastructure Management(Target journal: IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC)
Tittle 3:
Coexistence of LTE-U and Wi-Fi for higher data transmission

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle 1:
waiting for the decision from Computer communications
Tittle 2:
-Wrote in IEIE SPC template and thorough readability

This Week Todo's

Tittle 1:
waiting for the decision from Computer communications
Tittle 2:
-Submit to IEIE SPC
Tittle 3:
-start surveying the literature

Project Progress

Life Bed

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

-submit one journal

Annual Goals

-Write at least two papers for international conference
-Write at least two papers for international journal
-Able to use any NSL simulating tools for my researc