

1월 28, 2019 - 2월 3, 2019


[Sangho Yoo]

Migration Minimization Scheme for Virtualization-based Naval Combat Cluster
[가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 마이그레이션 최소화 기법]

Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem
[ICT 기반의 조선해양 창조산업생태계 구축]

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Migration Minimization Scheme for Virtualization-based Naval Combat Cluster
[가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 마이그레이션 최소화 기법]

Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem
[ICT 기반의 조선해양 창조산업생태계 구축]

- Try to update title
- Read a related paper

Designing Real-time Monitoring to ensure the Survival of livestock in Breeding Environments (KICS)
[가축 사육 환경에서 생존성 보장을 위한 실시간 모니터링 설계]

-Prepare ppt for KICS

This Week Todo's

Migration Minimization Scheme for Virtualization-based Naval Combat Cluster
[가상화 기반 함정 전투 시스템 클러스터의 마이그레이션 최소화 기법]

- Modify a result graph
- Write international conference version

Construction of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Creation Industry Ecosystem
[ICT 기반의 조선해양 창조산업생태계 구축]

- Try to update title
- Read a related paper

Project Progress

DSS(Data Sharing Service)

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Coding Study
- Draw a Class Diagram using UML

[2]DDS Book work
- Role sharing
- Investigated the data

This Week's Project

[1]Coding Study

- Search required function for implementation
- Creating a Chat program

[2] DB Gen
- Draw a class diagram using UML.
- Analysis every line of code.

[3]DDS Book work
- Start to write the book and will search the related contents

Monthly Goals

Complete a journal version Paper

Annual Goals

I want to participate in the international and domestic conferences