

2월 18, 2019 - 2월 24, 2019


1)Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.
2) Multi-hop Single-Relay Selection (MSRS) for Multi Cluster Head Environment.
3) Visible Light Communication (VLC) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Hybrid Network for Indoor Device Connectivity.

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) review paper on "Test Platform for Electronic Control Units of High-Performance Safety-Critical Multi Actuator Systems".
2) Changed/added more pictures to paper #1
3) learn how to increase the number of nodes in ns3.

This Week Todo's

1) Complete paper review and make review comments.
2) Analyse suitable network technologies for paper#1
3) Start the enhancement of "Latency-Aware comparative analysis of SDP, SDP-Bloom and SDP-DynamicBloom for a DDS Node discovery scheme".

Project Progress


100% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project

Make web maintenance

Monthly Goals

1) Complete simulation on paper #1

Annual Goals

1) Attend international conference.
2) Publish a journal paper.