

3월 11, 2019 - 3월 17, 2019



0% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Could not do much since Computer was yet to be connected to the Internet
2. Extensive search for survey paper and seminar papers privately done

This Week Todo's

1. To present three paper research topics for approval
2. To begin the process of writing the paper for Conference

Project Progress


0% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Resumed and attended orientation exercises by the University and the NSL
2. Received Computers and other tools needed for work.
3. Got signed up on the NSL and concluded Course registration
4. began the refresher study of MATLAB, LaTex and C++
5. NSL new comer's training 1 and 2.

This Week's Project

1.Download papers for Prof Don-Seong Kim approval
2. To prepare seminar paper for presentation
3. To Represent my mentor as a P.O.C (Point of Contact) person in Creative Capstone design
4. Conclude admission processes such as Insurance and TB test
5. Get the computer connected to the Internet and commence work as quick as possible
6. NSL New comer's training 3.

Monthly Goals

1. Paper Seminar Presentation on March 22, 2019
2. Conclude the process of getting approval for Paper for seminar
3. Get an acceptance for at least one Local Conference

Annual Goals

1. To publish minimum of two International Journals and Conferences
2. To become very proficient in the use of Tools needed to carry out my research. MATLAB, OPNET, C++
3. To give my best to NSL